The Carson-Myre Charitable Foundation regularly receives far more worthy grant requests within our charter's boundaries than we have resources to meet in any given calendar year. We make the vast majority of decisions about which grants to fund for a year during the late-January meeting of our trustees. Therefore, grant requestors are highly encouraged to submit their Letters of Inquiry during the period from mid-December through not later than 15 January. Please also note that the final grant distributions within a calendar year are in early September; therefore, for a grant request to get same-year consideration, it must be received not later than 15 July for deliberation at the late-July board meeting. DEADLINES: For consideration in January, the deadline for receipt of your request is 15 January. For consideration in April, the deadline for receipt of your request is 15 April. For consdiration in July, the deadline for receipt of your request is 15 July. For consideration in October, the deadline for receipt of your request is 15 October.